Austin, Texas Oil and Gas Lawyer
At our firm, we have oil and gas in our blood. Greg Jordan was born and raised in a family involved in the oil and gas business. He has never strayed far.
Greg worked his way through college as an independent petroleum landman, leasing tens of thousands of acres of land for numerous oil companies in counties throughout Texas. After receiving his engineering degree, he worked as an engineer for a major oil company where he had broad experience handling petroleum engineering duties, mechanical engineering duties around gas plants, drilling and production engineering responsibilities both onshore and offshore, and responsibilities for contracting for the purchase and sale of gas supplies from wells and gas plants. If you want an Austin, Texas oil and gas lawyer who knows the industry inside and out through practical experience and education, contact us.
Oil and Gas Attorney With Knowledge, Experience and a Record of Success
Austin, Texas lawyer, Greg Jordan has over 40 years of experience working in the oil and gas industry, over 30 of which have been as a no-nonsense Texas oil and gas attorney. We efficiently handle all types of oil and gas matters. For example, we negotiate oil and gas leases for landowners and oil companies; represent oil and gas companies and individuals in hearings before the Railroad Commission; work with engineers, geologists and other technical experts to untangle difficult legal situations; advise mineral owners and oil companies with respect to their rights and options; handle claims where surface owner’s property has been damaged by oil and gas operators; handle claims related to payment of royalties; work on claims where there are allegations of inadequate or improper development of properties; become involved in unitization and pooling disputes; and handle complaints related to processing or gathering of oil and gas production. While we are able to resolve most disputes without the need for litigation, we have a long record of success in the courtroom and we will not hesitate to go to trial if it is in your best interests.
Austin Texas Oil and Gas Litigation Attorney
Are you concerned that an oil company is not paying you the proper royalties? Is another person or entity claiming title to mineral interests you believe you own? Is a well on your Texas property polluting your surface acreage? Has an oil company failed to drill and develop your acreage as required by your lease? Has your drinking water become polluted by the wrongful acts of another? Does a horizontal well wrongfully extend under your property? Has an oil company or pipeline company violated the terms of an easement? Should an oil and gas company’s lease of your property be terminated because of the company’s conduct? These are just some of the types of oil and gas related questions that we help landowners and businesses in Texas answer. Sometimes we can get others to correct their conduct and compensate for the damages they have caused without having to engage in litigation. However, when the other side is intransient, we work to protect, procure and preserve our clients’ rights through litigation when necessary. We have successfully handled oil and gas litigation in courts throughout Texas, and we have successfully handled such matters on appeal through the Texas Supreme Court.
Texas Oil and Gas Leasing Attorney
If you have been approached by an oil and gas company for a lease on your Texas property you probably have many questions. Are the terms being offered for an oil and gas lease on your property fair? What protection should you include in a Texas oil and gas lease? What do some of the provisions in the oil company’s form lease mean? What is a Pugh clause? What rights does the surface owner have? For over 40 years Greg Jordan has been involved in oil and gas leasing. We can answer these types of questions for you. We handle lease negotiations for landowners and clients all over Texas, including in the Permian Basin, the Eagle Ford, East Texas, South Texas, Central Texas and West Texas. If you have oil and gas leasing needs or concerns, we are here to help.
We are proud of the innovative and successful work we have done on behalf of our clients in oil and gas matters. We strive to provide you with the best possible personal service and obtain the best possible results in a cost-effective and timely manner. Because we have such extensive knowledge in the oil and gas industry, we can often be creative and flexible with our fee arrangements. We invite you to review the testimonials from some of our clients who have been involved in oil and gas matters. If you are seeking an experienced and knowledgeable Austin, Texas oil and gas lawyer who has a long track record of success, contact us.
See Oil and Gas Litigation for litigation information.